Saturday, July 29, 2006

scary but true

Judulnya hiperbola banget ya?Hehe.. Padahal ngga segitunya..

Ceritanya saya coba-coba pasang counter di blog gw ini.. Iseng2 aja..
Dan ternyata lucu juga ngeliat referral-nya, terutama yang berasal dari search engine seperti google dan yahoo.. Keyword-keyword yang dipake ada yang aneh banget.. Tapi bisa2nya nyantol ke blog gw ini.. Salah satu yang paling aneh sekaligus menyebalkan adalah, maaf: Data Cewek Panggilan Sukabumi.. Terus ada lagi, gw lupa tepatnya apa, cuma kurang lebih isinya: Cari tante yang mau bayar cowok... Huaaaaaaaa...

Aaaaargh.. Koq keyword kayak gitu ya yang nyantol?? Ada satu lagi sih yang lebih parah. Cuma saking parahnya gw sampe ga berani ngetiknya.. T_T...
[typed on July 12th 06]

Syukurlah sekarang udah jarang banget. Cuma sekalinya ada, waduh, serem dahsyat!!! Dan yang terakhir ini pawaaaaaaah banget.. Koq bisa sih orang ngetik keyword kayak gitu???? One of the worst keyword that a person could search on search engine, EVER!!!!!
[typed on July 29th 06]

top keyword yang mampir ke blog ku ini adalah tentang... guess what?? kecoa!!! x_x

that channel
category: embedded posting :P

stasiun tivi yang satu itu ternyata bener2 ya.. padahal kukira dia takkan keluar dalam white list.. namun, tampaknya secara perlahan akan masuk ke blacklist gw.. setelah pendapatan iklan taun lalu jauh merosot, tampaknya tahun ini akan lebih merosot..

I don't know.. But I think, they're just so desperate how to increase their profit again. That academia thingy not work so well like the first two season, and even I think that program is getting worse day by day.. They want to meet celine @ Las Vegas? Oh no.. Please don't embarrass us in front of her..

Okay, becoz the program not going that well, they search for another alternative. And the answer they've found is horror serial.. Oh no.. But yes, the manager told that they forced to do it becoz the only way to increase the income is by following what people want. And he assumed that the current trend is horror *Err, I just don't get it. Becoz I think the horror trend is just have passed..*.. Kalangan TV menamakannya 'bakar menyan' kepada penayangan program2 horror.. So now we can see, almost everyday, at primetime, there's a horror serial at that channel. It is often using dubbers..

And yesterday, I saw a serial on that channel which really really really annoying. It broadcasted on prime time, but the content of the program was really unappropriate. It showed the relationship about man and woman with a vulgar way. More vulgar than usual.. Ugh.. Is the staff of the channel is really2 desperado facing the truth that their income have been constantly decreasing????


Anonymous said...

kakak...mau dong diajarin cara bikin counter kayak gitu.....

Anonymous said...

iya, gimana siy?

Anonymous said...

Gw ngga bikin kok, hehe..
Pake aja kayak (bukannya Fanny udah pake y?) atau

tinggal copy, paste, and done.. ^^".

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