membeli suatu barang..
tapi ga ada duit.. huhu..
padahal barang itu penting banget untuk kehidupanku.. haiyah...
ada yang mau kasih duit? :p
bude.. anthurium nya minta satuu aja.. terus bisa dapet banyak deh barang itu.. hohoho... *ngarep..
desperate ni..
~hmm, postingan yang tidak jelas. lagi..
tapi setidaknya postingan ini jujur, dalam dalam sini.. (kayak iklan apaa gt).. :)
Monday, January 28, 2008
Monday, January 21, 2008
ngambil dari Harian Kompas (200108) kemarin.. Isinya pas banget sama serial yang gw maksud di postingan ini.. dan ternyata, jenis serial seperti itu merupakan salah satu favorit penonton lho berdasarkan survei yang dilakukan oleh AC Nielsen. Dan di stasiun TV tersebut, spertinya serial itu merupakan andalan selain m a m a m i a.
Hmm, postingan ga penting sih.. Padahal kalo ga suka mah tinggal ganti aja salurannya.. Lagipula saya ga pernah nonton serial tersebut, hehe.. Tapi ya heran aja, ko bisa pada suka yah?
Hmm, postingan ga penting sih.. Padahal kalo ga suka mah tinggal ganti aja salurannya.. Lagipula saya ga pernah nonton serial tersebut, hehe.. Tapi ya heran aja, ko bisa pada suka yah?
Friday, January 18, 2008
dosa elektronik... hahaha...
umm, bukan apa2 sih.. tapi setiap kali gw nonton sinetron, pasti kerjanya ngomentarin mulu.. ga setiap kali juga sih, gw khan ga mau menggeneralisir semua sinetron, hehe.. lagian tak sengaja liat sinetron yang dibintangi oleh cinlau.. dan sinetron itu bener2 . . . . . . t.y.p.i.c.a.l
murid baru di suatu sekolah, yaitu seorang cewek cantik tapi miskin yang menjadi bulan-bulanan gank perempuan2 'terkenal' di sekolah itu.. dan tentunya murid baru tersebut dicintai oleh murid laki2 yang paling terkenal di sekolah tsb, dan kontan ngebuat anggota gank perempuan makin panas.. dan yaa gitu lah...
mo komentarin si gank perempuan itu.. kalo di sinetron Indonesia, kok engga oke banget sih? lagian yang dipake itu lho ya.. ckckck.. percis banget kayak etalase-perhiasan-mainan-yang-dijual-abang-abang-depan-sd.. komplit dari bando, jepit, kalung, anting, gelang, sepatu, kaos kaki, dan apalah.. dan warna-warni ngejreng semua.. norak tiada tara lah pokoknya.. hihi.. sponsored by siapa yah? sponsored by abang2 kah? hmm, mungkin lain kali gw mesti liat credit title pas abis sinetron itu.. hihhihi
duh, bener2 ga boleh liat sinetron walaupun sekilas.. buat dosa aja..
umm, bukan apa2 sih.. tapi setiap kali gw nonton sinetron, pasti kerjanya ngomentarin mulu.. ga setiap kali juga sih, gw khan ga mau menggeneralisir semua sinetron, hehe.. lagian tak sengaja liat sinetron yang dibintangi oleh cinlau.. dan sinetron itu bener2 . . . . . . t.y.p.i.c.a.l
murid baru di suatu sekolah, yaitu seorang cewek cantik tapi miskin yang menjadi bulan-bulanan gank perempuan2 'terkenal' di sekolah itu.. dan tentunya murid baru tersebut dicintai oleh murid laki2 yang paling terkenal di sekolah tsb, dan kontan ngebuat anggota gank perempuan makin panas.. dan yaa gitu lah...
mo komentarin si gank perempuan itu.. kalo di sinetron Indonesia, kok engga oke banget sih? lagian yang dipake itu lho ya.. ckckck.. percis banget kayak etalase-perhiasan-mainan-yang-dijual-abang-abang-depan-sd.. komplit dari bando, jepit, kalung, anting, gelang, sepatu, kaos kaki, dan apalah.. dan warna-warni ngejreng semua.. norak tiada tara lah pokoknya.. hihi.. sponsored by siapa yah? sponsored by abang2 kah? hmm, mungkin lain kali gw mesti liat credit title pas abis sinetron itu.. hihhihi
duh, bener2 ga boleh liat sinetron walaupun sekilas.. buat dosa aja..
Thursday, January 17, 2008
tinggal satu
hmm.. mengapa di rumah saya, jika ada makanan apapun itu, pasti semua anggota keluarga selalu berebutan ngambil.. nah, tapi ujung2nya kalo tinggal satu, pasti akan dibiarkan begitu saja di meja. sampe makanan tersebut jadi busuk atau kadaluwarsa, dan nasibnya berakhir di tempat sampah. Mulai dari kacang atom sampe coklat pralin, pasti akan diperlakukan sama: kalo tinggal satu, mendadak diabaikan oleh semua orang.. entah kenapa.. hehehe...
ada beberapa kemungkinan yg mengakibatkan hal ini terjadi:
1. ada mitos yang telah diceritakan turun temurun di keluarga, bahwa orang yang memakan makanan yg tinggal satu, akan tertimpa sial selama seminggu berikutnya. (asal banget ga sih? :p)
2. makanan akan kehilangan daya tariknya jika dia cuma sendirian.. (beraninya rame2 niiii?)
3. anggota keluarga di rumahku orangnya pemalu dan 'ga enakan'. jadi kalo tinggal satu, ga ada yang mau ngambil karena ga enak sama yang lain.
4. udah bosen sama makanan tersebut, jadi pas sisa 1 dah males ngambilnya.
dan setelah kupikir2, ini postingan sangat-amat-tidak-penting-banget-sekali. padahal, banyaaak banget yang mau ditulis.. tapi, yang mo ditulis banyakan berupa hal yang ga mengenakkan.. Berpikir tentang hal2 tersebut saja sudah membuatku merasa tak enak, dan menulis ttg hal tersebut kurasa tak akan membantu ataupun membuatku merasa lega.. (hmm, tapi kok gw tetep nyinggung2 ya?).. udah ah, nunggu moodnya balik..
ada beberapa kemungkinan yg mengakibatkan hal ini terjadi:
1. ada mitos yang telah diceritakan turun temurun di keluarga, bahwa orang yang memakan makanan yg tinggal satu, akan tertimpa sial selama seminggu berikutnya. (asal banget ga sih? :p)
2. makanan akan kehilangan daya tariknya jika dia cuma sendirian.. (beraninya rame2 niiii?)
3. anggota keluarga di rumahku orangnya pemalu dan 'ga enakan'. jadi kalo tinggal satu, ga ada yang mau ngambil karena ga enak sama yang lain.
4. udah bosen sama makanan tersebut, jadi pas sisa 1 dah males ngambilnya.
dan setelah kupikir2, ini postingan sangat-amat-tidak-penting-banget-sekali. padahal, banyaaak banget yang mau ditulis.. tapi, yang mo ditulis banyakan berupa hal yang ga mengenakkan.. Berpikir tentang hal2 tersebut saja sudah membuatku merasa tak enak, dan menulis ttg hal tersebut kurasa tak akan membantu ataupun membuatku merasa lega.. (hmm, tapi kok gw tetep nyinggung2 ya?).. udah ah, nunggu moodnya balik..
Thursday, January 10, 2008
nu year, oh, nu year..
Hmm, suddenly 2007 has just passed..
Ga kerasa yah? Umm, not really, consider there's quite many things that I did in that year.. Let's we do a flashback.. (hahaha.. gaya banget)..
Masih rajin2nya buat postingan review Amazing Race Asia.. bahkan tiap episodenya gw buat review.. haha.. sekarang mah ga sempet plus males. kurang lengkap apa coba?
Terus, ngurusin PengmasonIT.. EPT ke Bandung.. Gathering 2b. Jalan2 ke Ragunan bersama BPH. dan banyak nonton dan makan di luar.. hehe..
ada banjir besar. nengokin cicit's dad.. terus ada 2b gathering versi kecil.. hehe..
Maret - Desember
males bikinnya lagian ga penting juga.. hahaha..
Last year, I did an internship. And the whole process definitely took a long long time, from searching the company until submitting the report to the library. Oooh, it was really 'revise till u drop' kind of work.
Then.. I really really thankful that my GPA in that year was not bad. Especially on 6th semester.. I really amazed and somehow couldn’t believe it.. Yeah, although not as high as Richard Daniel (which got exact 4), or Ario cs, but it’s my highest GPA to date (hopefully 8th semester will be my best GPA.. amiiiin…). Last semester, my GPA wasn’t bad either, although not as good as the previous one.. But in my opinion, it’s really good.. ^^ the lowest mark was on one of compulsory subject, so no guilty feeling of choosing wrong optional subject, and fortunately it was just 2 SKS.. *grin*
Next semester, (which is hopefully my last semester on Fasilkom)..
-I wanna realize a green fasilkom (fortunately has met a person with same vision, hehe)..
-then do imagine cup (idea, where r u??).
-take MSI or SQA subject.
-May be take some competitions out there.
-Don’t know about that offering.. take it or not?
-oiya, buku angkatan..
-then finish my research about image processing that related in biomedical area (sigh, the paper was difficult)..
-join mapres (aka mahasiswa penuh stress) competition.. may be..
-take toefl prep.. searching for scholarship..
-graduate of course.. wish that I can reach my GPA target.. Amiin..
-Take a scholarship if I get one. Or may be take a job for 6 mnth til 1,5 years. Why I don’t search for an established job first? may be arnold’s article has just got me.. huehe..
-learn some core competence that I just passed it by.
Kemanakah saya pada saat malam taun baruan 2008 ini?
Hmm….. One of my family asked me to join nu year celebration with Land Rover Club Indonesia, in Anyer Beach, West Java. But according to not-so-friendly weather that day, so I rejected the offering.
No family party or something like that this year, coz one of my uncle has been unwell in hospital, and considering there’s so many unpleasant disaster that happened to our country.. soo, me myself preferred to celebrate it humbly. (mengingat lagi bokek juga. Wekekek)
Soo.. me, my mom, and two of her friends got into dzikir bersama at Masjid Sunda Kelapa. the khatib were nazaruddin umar and said agil siradj. The mr JK and his wife, MJK were also there too.. the chief of masjid foundation mentioned the JKs name over and over again (which I think it’s not essential :( )
But, after following all the agenda, now I prefer Sunda Kelapa than Attin (which is too crowded, and it’s the reason why I didn’t go there) or Masjid BI (which has bad sound system) or Masjid AlAzhar (I don’t like how they arrange it).
Duh, gw lupa hari itu ngapain aja yah? Yah, intinya gitu.. acaranya padat, dan diisi dengan ceramah, tilawah, muhasabah, sholat tasbih, sholat tobat, sholat tahajud, dzikir, dsb.. dan berhubung jamaah pria ga sebanyak wanita, jadinya lebih comfy, hehe..
Then.. gw lupa hari itu ngapain aja..
Dan 9 hari setelahnya adalah tahun baru hijriah.. at nite, my mom went to Masjid Al-Azhar.. I just on my home, coz really tired that day. I wouldn’t focus enough to follow the agenda.. so, I planned to read ‘the secret’ book, but I failed to realized it.. hehe..
The day after, my cousin asked me to go to Pacific Place, which located near her house at Wichan.. hihiy.. pertama kali ke situ.. masih banyak banget yg tutup.. dan tempat makannya….. AWESOME!!!! Tempat makan terkeren yang pernah gw liat yang ada di mal… intinya, best mall in Jakarta to date!! But worst price, hahaha.. gila. Mahal2 aja tuh jualannya.. Nyari Pancious, tapi belom buka.. akhirnya makan deh di KRogers.. di situ ada kemchick juga.. dan ada Kidzania.. Belom tau apa itu kidzania? Search aja di google, dan kalo udah tau, bener2 bisa membuat lo pengen jadi anak2 lagi.. huhu. Mupeng…….
Abis itu ke wichan.. maen2 kucing ras yg bernama louis dan piauw (hmm, ko namanya timpang gitu yah?).. terus ngenet (hahaha, sampe rumah sodara tetep aja ngenet). Ga tanggung2, dia pasang fastnet dan speedy sekaligus. Ckck.. dan yg buat gw “sebel” adalah, untuk ngenet yg dipake adalah laptop!!! Hiks.. jadi, laptop itu adalah laptop khusus ngenet!!! Deuh, mending buat gw aja deh..
Tentang TA..
Pengen tentang biomedical, dan terus bener2 konsultasi ma dosen dari FKUI.. kebetulan pakde dokter khan koord penelitian bidang patologi anatomik di FKUI.. it must be really cool if I can do it. tapi sayangnya beliau sedang dirawat di RS.. ah, sudahlah.. ga usah idealis2 gitu deh.. paper yg dikasih sama bu Ani aja susahnya setengah mati. Huhu.. doakan saja yah.. mudah2an lancer..
Ga kerasa yah? Umm, not really, consider there's quite many things that I did in that year.. Let's we do a flashback.. (hahaha.. gaya banget)..
Masih rajin2nya buat postingan review Amazing Race Asia.. bahkan tiap episodenya gw buat review.. haha.. sekarang mah ga sempet plus males. kurang lengkap apa coba?
Terus, ngurusin PengmasonIT.. EPT ke Bandung.. Gathering 2b. Jalan2 ke Ragunan bersama BPH. dan banyak nonton dan makan di luar.. hehe..
ada banjir besar. nengokin cicit's dad.. terus ada 2b gathering versi kecil.. hehe..
Maret - Desember
males bikinnya lagian ga penting juga.. hahaha..
Last year, I did an internship. And the whole process definitely took a long long time, from searching the company until submitting the report to the library. Oooh, it was really 'revise till u drop' kind of work.
Then.. I really really thankful that my GPA in that year was not bad. Especially on 6th semester.. I really amazed and somehow couldn’t believe it.. Yeah, although not as high as Richard Daniel (which got exact 4), or Ario cs, but it’s my highest GPA to date (hopefully 8th semester will be my best GPA.. amiiiin…). Last semester, my GPA wasn’t bad either, although not as good as the previous one.. But in my opinion, it’s really good.. ^^ the lowest mark was on one of compulsory subject, so no guilty feeling of choosing wrong optional subject, and fortunately it was just 2 SKS.. *grin*
Next semester, (which is hopefully my last semester on Fasilkom)..
-I wanna realize a green fasilkom (fortunately has met a person with same vision, hehe)..
-then do imagine cup (idea, where r u??).
-take MSI or SQA subject.
-May be take some competitions out there.
-Don’t know about that offering.. take it or not?
-oiya, buku angkatan..
-then finish my research about image processing that related in biomedical area (sigh, the paper was difficult)..
-join mapres (aka mahasiswa penuh stress) competition.. may be..
-take toefl prep.. searching for scholarship..
-graduate of course.. wish that I can reach my GPA target.. Amiin..
-Take a scholarship if I get one. Or may be take a job for 6 mnth til 1,5 years. Why I don’t search for an established job first? may be arnold’s article has just got me.. huehe..
-learn some core competence that I just passed it by.
Kemanakah saya pada saat malam taun baruan 2008 ini?
Hmm….. One of my family asked me to join nu year celebration with Land Rover Club Indonesia, in Anyer Beach, West Java. But according to not-so-friendly weather that day, so I rejected the offering.
No family party or something like that this year, coz one of my uncle has been unwell in hospital, and considering there’s so many unpleasant disaster that happened to our country.. soo, me myself preferred to celebrate it humbly. (mengingat lagi bokek juga. Wekekek)
Soo.. me, my mom, and two of her friends got into dzikir bersama at Masjid Sunda Kelapa. the khatib were nazaruddin umar and said agil siradj. The mr JK and his wife, MJK were also there too.. the chief of masjid foundation mentioned the JKs name over and over again (which I think it’s not essential :( )
But, after following all the agenda, now I prefer Sunda Kelapa than Attin (which is too crowded, and it’s the reason why I didn’t go there) or Masjid BI (which has bad sound system) or Masjid AlAzhar (I don’t like how they arrange it).
Duh, gw lupa hari itu ngapain aja yah? Yah, intinya gitu.. acaranya padat, dan diisi dengan ceramah, tilawah, muhasabah, sholat tasbih, sholat tobat, sholat tahajud, dzikir, dsb.. dan berhubung jamaah pria ga sebanyak wanita, jadinya lebih comfy, hehe..
Then.. gw lupa hari itu ngapain aja..
Dan 9 hari setelahnya adalah tahun baru hijriah.. at nite, my mom went to Masjid Al-Azhar.. I just on my home, coz really tired that day. I wouldn’t focus enough to follow the agenda.. so, I planned to read ‘the secret’ book, but I failed to realized it.. hehe..
The day after, my cousin asked me to go to Pacific Place, which located near her house at Wichan.. hihiy.. pertama kali ke situ.. masih banyak banget yg tutup.. dan tempat makannya….. AWESOME!!!! Tempat makan terkeren yang pernah gw liat yang ada di mal… intinya, best mall in Jakarta to date!! But worst price, hahaha.. gila. Mahal2 aja tuh jualannya.. Nyari Pancious, tapi belom buka.. akhirnya makan deh di KRogers.. di situ ada kemchick juga.. dan ada Kidzania.. Belom tau apa itu kidzania? Search aja di google, dan kalo udah tau, bener2 bisa membuat lo pengen jadi anak2 lagi.. huhu. Mupeng…….
Abis itu ke wichan.. maen2 kucing ras yg bernama louis dan piauw (hmm, ko namanya timpang gitu yah?).. terus ngenet (hahaha, sampe rumah sodara tetep aja ngenet). Ga tanggung2, dia pasang fastnet dan speedy sekaligus. Ckck.. dan yg buat gw “sebel” adalah, untuk ngenet yg dipake adalah laptop!!! Hiks.. jadi, laptop itu adalah laptop khusus ngenet!!! Deuh, mending buat gw aja deh..
Tentang TA..
Pengen tentang biomedical, dan terus bener2 konsultasi ma dosen dari FKUI.. kebetulan pakde dokter khan koord penelitian bidang patologi anatomik di FKUI.. it must be really cool if I can do it. tapi sayangnya beliau sedang dirawat di RS.. ah, sudahlah.. ga usah idealis2 gitu deh.. paper yg dikasih sama bu Ani aja susahnya setengah mati. Huhu.. doakan saja yah.. mudah2an lancer..
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Pertama di 2008
hehe.. sebenernya ini postingan pertama di tahun ini.. dan memang saya udah lama ga buat postingan. terakhir kali sih sebenernya pas 25 atau 26 des yang lalu.. banyak rasanya yg pengen diceritain.. tapi males. jadinya upload foto aja di facebook, karena ada yang mengatakan bahwa suatu gambar bermakna lebih dari 1000 kata, hahaha..
kemarin baru pulang dari evaluasi plus jalan2 tengah taun.. menginap di villa bu imas, yang berada di kawasan hotel seruni, cisarua, puncak, jawa barat. lokasinya deket sama taman safari.. jadi ga heran kalo suka ada banyak binatang langka yang tiba2 masuk ke villa. mba2 di situ bercerita bahwa seminggu sebelumnya ada monyet langka lagi ada di kamar mandi villa.. (bohong banget.. hahaha..).. Ohya, thanx banyak buat bu Imas yang membuat segalanya tambah menjadi menyenangkan... :)
the villa was... awesome!!! may be not the best one that i've ever visited.. tapi yg istimewa adalah, di villa tersebut, just felt like home.. dan bagian yg paling menarik adalah: pas malem2, udaranya wangi bunga... madly love it!!!! (hmm, tapi bukan wangi yg bikin merinding lho ya..)
besoknya ke STT Telkom Bandung, studi banding ke HMIF sana.. Moderator dari pihak STTnya ternyata adalah sodara gw.. hehe.. Jadi, orangtua kami berdua itu masih sepupuan.. Pertama2, dia dulu yg inget gw, katanya pernah ketemuan pas lagi reuni keluarga.. Untung aja dia menyebutkan secara tepat nama keluarga2 gw.. Coz, sampe sekarang pun gw masih ga inget kalo sebelumnya udah pernah ketemuan.. hahaha.. maaf banget yak.. maaf banget banget... Tapi ternyata ada juga yang kenal gw, padahal gw sebelumnya mengira di STT ga ada yg gw kenal. beda sama taun lalu waktu jalan2 ke IF ITB, pasti bakalan ngeliat temen2 SMA di sanah..
Lagian gw heran banget. dia kok bisa2nya inget gw. Reuni keluarga besar itu khan cuma ada setahun sekali, dan gw juga kadang2 ga dateng.. Tapi, bisa2nya dia inget.. salut, salut.. Bahkan dia inget gw angkatan berapa.. ckckck...
seneng banget dikasih makanan dr sana utk semua yg dateng (40-an).. ckckck.. dapet dana dari mana yah? thanx a lot.. dan ternyata, tingkat narsisme anak2 sana sudah mencapai tahap gawat darurat, mencapai stadium 8 (dari skala 4, huehehe)... gw kira anak2 fasilkom udah parah banget, ternyata di atas langit masih ada langit.. :p
abis dari STT, ga langsung balik.. ke Cihampelas dulu berdasarkan keinginan sebagian emak-emak yang ingin belanje.. gw sama viku akhirnya terdampar di McD sana buat makan petang.. Udah jauh2 ke Bandung, makannya ko McD? biarlah.. hehe.. gw pesen gourmet wrap, karena sebelomnya belom pernah nyobain.. ternyata gede juga yah.. gw kenyang banget, mana makannya buru2 lagi coz gw ngejar waktu kembali ke bis.. eeh, ternyata pas sampe bis masih sepi gitu, padahal gw juga udah termasuk telat.. makanya kadang2 gw suka males datang on time.. hahaha.. tapi ujung2nya dateng ontime ko, khan profesional.. :p
hmm, sebenernya pengen nulis nu year resolution ni.. tapi di postingan selanjutnya aja yah... ^^
kemarin baru pulang dari evaluasi plus jalan2 tengah taun.. menginap di villa bu imas, yang berada di kawasan hotel seruni, cisarua, puncak, jawa barat. lokasinya deket sama taman safari.. jadi ga heran kalo suka ada banyak binatang langka yang tiba2 masuk ke villa. mba2 di situ bercerita bahwa seminggu sebelumnya ada monyet langka lagi ada di kamar mandi villa.. (bohong banget.. hahaha..).. Ohya, thanx banyak buat bu Imas yang membuat segalanya tambah menjadi menyenangkan... :)
the villa was... awesome!!! may be not the best one that i've ever visited.. tapi yg istimewa adalah, di villa tersebut, just felt like home.. dan bagian yg paling menarik adalah: pas malem2, udaranya wangi bunga... madly love it!!!! (hmm, tapi bukan wangi yg bikin merinding lho ya..)
besoknya ke STT Telkom Bandung, studi banding ke HMIF sana.. Moderator dari pihak STTnya ternyata adalah sodara gw.. hehe.. Jadi, orangtua kami berdua itu masih sepupuan.. Pertama2, dia dulu yg inget gw, katanya pernah ketemuan pas lagi reuni keluarga.. Untung aja dia menyebutkan secara tepat nama keluarga2 gw.. Coz, sampe sekarang pun gw masih ga inget kalo sebelumnya udah pernah ketemuan.. hahaha.. maaf banget yak.. maaf banget banget... Tapi ternyata ada juga yang kenal gw, padahal gw sebelumnya mengira di STT ga ada yg gw kenal. beda sama taun lalu waktu jalan2 ke IF ITB, pasti bakalan ngeliat temen2 SMA di sanah..
Lagian gw heran banget. dia kok bisa2nya inget gw. Reuni keluarga besar itu khan cuma ada setahun sekali, dan gw juga kadang2 ga dateng.. Tapi, bisa2nya dia inget.. salut, salut.. Bahkan dia inget gw angkatan berapa.. ckckck...
seneng banget dikasih makanan dr sana utk semua yg dateng (40-an).. ckckck.. dapet dana dari mana yah? thanx a lot.. dan ternyata, tingkat narsisme anak2 sana sudah mencapai tahap gawat darurat, mencapai stadium 8 (dari skala 4, huehehe)... gw kira anak2 fasilkom udah parah banget, ternyata di atas langit masih ada langit.. :p
abis dari STT, ga langsung balik.. ke Cihampelas dulu berdasarkan keinginan sebagian emak-emak yang ingin belanje.. gw sama viku akhirnya terdampar di McD sana buat makan petang.. Udah jauh2 ke Bandung, makannya ko McD? biarlah.. hehe.. gw pesen gourmet wrap, karena sebelomnya belom pernah nyobain.. ternyata gede juga yah.. gw kenyang banget, mana makannya buru2 lagi coz gw ngejar waktu kembali ke bis.. eeh, ternyata pas sampe bis masih sepi gitu, padahal gw juga udah termasuk telat.. makanya kadang2 gw suka males datang on time.. hahaha.. tapi ujung2nya dateng ontime ko, khan profesional.. :p
hmm, sebenernya pengen nulis nu year resolution ni.. tapi di postingan selanjutnya aja yah... ^^
Saturday, January 05, 2008
[24 dec 2007, written on dec 25]
After spent the night at hospital, we went home. And then I have another schedule: walkin-walkin (WW) 2b.. hoho.. actually, at first just I, awl, mika, and tuko who’ll join the WW. But, I thought why I just don’t invite other friends to join us? May some of them had no schedule on that day. Soo, I began to message some of them. Until now, I still am wondering why I messaged ‘em? Often, it used to make me tired, and kind of annoyed with waiting the reply. But I’ve learned that I must do it sincerely, if some of ‘em reply my message, it’s good. If no, yeah, may be they’re in hectic state so they couldn’t deliver any reply.
Some of ‘em couldn’t join cause they had another occasion, like JZ, who predictably must accompany her parents shopping. Dela n Arri, who just exhausted after had vacation on outer city (luar kota maksudnya). Ndy n Lid, who picked up their family on soekarno-hatta airport. Nda who got her frequent stomachache, kush went to garut accompanied her dad, vij went to two mangos, etc etc.
This WW was held on Senci aka Senayan City (first, Arri asked me where’s Senci.. wakakak.. dia taunya Singapore sih sekarang..), at wendy’s. the choice of wendy’s as gathering location, because we didn’t know whether senci had any foodcourt or not.. hehe. But one for sure ,we knew that there’s wendy’s on senci.
The attendance were me, mika, awl, tk, fiz, mon, bol, dil, dian, ima, vig, and tisa.. 12 people, man!!.. one of the most successful 2b reunion.. heheh.. usually, it’s below 10 people.. and sometimes it’s end up with me, mika, n awl.. hehehe.. soo busy my friends are.. walau direncanain dari jauh hari jg ga ngepek..
I did sholat at ground floor on musholla named executive musholla (beeeuh, gaya banget dah namanya..). the place was clean and classy.. one of the best musholla in mall I think, though the musholla on 6th floor was not as good as the one on G floor..
We had a chit-chat on wendy’s, then we took pictures on some of LEGO decoration. Yes, there was Lego expo there. It said that the expo was the biggest on south east asia. Then, we took pictures in front of a huge bear doll near the main gate, hehe.. we just threw away our shyness, since no one knew us.. hahaha.. wait, no one knew us? Of course NOT, because we met some pals there. I met adi-kun (known as adi tepar), andhika fajri, then chacha. Chacha even said that beby was also there. Dian and bola met their college-mate. Mika met her middle-school mate, and many more. Hahaha, tumplek semua di Senci.
We watched Bee Movies. Thanx so much to viga, she bought all of us popcorn and aqua ^^. The movie is about a bee named Barry. he was shocked to discover that the humans had been stealing and eating the bees' honey for centuries, and sued the human race for stealing their precious honey. Barry won the lawsuit, and all honey in the world was returned to the bees. Is it the perfect decision? Just watch the movie..
Overall, I thought the movie was really entertaining and children-friendly. Although rotten tomatoes criticized it as “has humorous moments, but mostly forgettable”. Yeah, quite true. But at least I was very entertained, had some good laughs, and left the cinema room with pleasant feeling. The graphic was colorful, bright, and lovely. The storyline was not extraordinary, but well, good enough. Hmm, this was may be because I just wanted to watch something that doesn’t really need brain to gulp it.
Score: 3,5 from 5
Then we searched some place for sit, first destination was J.Co. unfortunately it was full. The krispy kreme was quite empty, but the doughnuts there were over-sweet, so we didn’t go there. Soo, we just entered the food hall at sogo. There’s few resto, just chopstick, bakmi naga, ganesha (Indian resto), and another one that I forgot its name. because most of us were hadn’t hungry yet, so we ordered some light food or snack. We ordered chicken skin, dumpling, and chicken wing from chopstick resto. The tastes were good.
After that, we visited woman emancipation expo (I forgot the name). in the expo ,there was photo exhibition, then film showing. The movie has entitled ‘kloset’, directed by a famous Indonesia director: Garin Nugroho. The movie told about the situation in Indonesian villages, where the people very poor, then women there had dilemmatic situation between choosing stick to live in poverty in village, or take a ENORMOUS risks by become a TKW to foreign country.
May be u asked, why the title of the film is kloset? It’s because the main character, Ayu, has a child who just want to loosen the bowels on WC duduk. Ayu didn’t have money to bought him what he wanted.
So happy that the WW has succeed. Now, there are other things to organized. Ouch..
After spent the night at hospital, we went home. And then I have another schedule: walkin-walkin (WW) 2b.. hoho.. actually, at first just I, awl, mika, and tuko who’ll join the WW. But, I thought why I just don’t invite other friends to join us? May some of them had no schedule on that day. Soo, I began to message some of them. Until now, I still am wondering why I messaged ‘em? Often, it used to make me tired, and kind of annoyed with waiting the reply. But I’ve learned that I must do it sincerely, if some of ‘em reply my message, it’s good. If no, yeah, may be they’re in hectic state so they couldn’t deliver any reply.
Some of ‘em couldn’t join cause they had another occasion, like JZ, who predictably must accompany her parents shopping. Dela n Arri, who just exhausted after had vacation on outer city (luar kota maksudnya). Ndy n Lid, who picked up their family on soekarno-hatta airport. Nda who got her frequent stomachache, kush went to garut accompanied her dad, vij went to two mangos, etc etc.
This WW was held on Senci aka Senayan City (first, Arri asked me where’s Senci.. wakakak.. dia taunya Singapore sih sekarang..), at wendy’s. the choice of wendy’s as gathering location, because we didn’t know whether senci had any foodcourt or not.. hehe. But one for sure ,we knew that there’s wendy’s on senci.
The attendance were me, mika, awl, tk, fiz, mon, bol, dil, dian, ima, vig, and tisa.. 12 people, man!!.. one of the most successful 2b reunion.. heheh.. usually, it’s below 10 people.. and sometimes it’s end up with me, mika, n awl.. hehehe.. soo busy my friends are.. walau direncanain dari jauh hari jg ga ngepek..
I did sholat at ground floor on musholla named executive musholla (beeeuh, gaya banget dah namanya..). the place was clean and classy.. one of the best musholla in mall I think, though the musholla on 6th floor was not as good as the one on G floor..
We had a chit-chat on wendy’s, then we took pictures on some of LEGO decoration. Yes, there was Lego expo there. It said that the expo was the biggest on south east asia. Then, we took pictures in front of a huge bear doll near the main gate, hehe.. we just threw away our shyness, since no one knew us.. hahaha.. wait, no one knew us? Of course NOT, because we met some pals there. I met adi-kun (known as adi tepar), andhika fajri, then chacha. Chacha even said that beby was also there. Dian and bola met their college-mate. Mika met her middle-school mate, and many more. Hahaha, tumplek semua di Senci.
We watched Bee Movies. Thanx so much to viga, she bought all of us popcorn and aqua ^^. The movie is about a bee named Barry. he was shocked to discover that the humans had been stealing and eating the bees' honey for centuries, and sued the human race for stealing their precious honey. Barry won the lawsuit, and all honey in the world was returned to the bees. Is it the perfect decision? Just watch the movie..
Overall, I thought the movie was really entertaining and children-friendly. Although rotten tomatoes criticized it as “has humorous moments, but mostly forgettable”. Yeah, quite true. But at least I was very entertained, had some good laughs, and left the cinema room with pleasant feeling. The graphic was colorful, bright, and lovely. The storyline was not extraordinary, but well, good enough. Hmm, this was may be because I just wanted to watch something that doesn’t really need brain to gulp it.
Score: 3,5 from 5
Then we searched some place for sit, first destination was J.Co. unfortunately it was full. The krispy kreme was quite empty, but the doughnuts there were over-sweet, so we didn’t go there. Soo, we just entered the food hall at sogo. There’s few resto, just chopstick, bakmi naga, ganesha (Indian resto), and another one that I forgot its name. because most of us were hadn’t hungry yet, so we ordered some light food or snack. We ordered chicken skin, dumpling, and chicken wing from chopstick resto. The tastes were good.
After that, we visited woman emancipation expo (I forgot the name). in the expo ,there was photo exhibition, then film showing. The movie has entitled ‘kloset’, directed by a famous Indonesia director: Garin Nugroho. The movie told about the situation in Indonesian villages, where the people very poor, then women there had dilemmatic situation between choosing stick to live in poverty in village, or take a ENORMOUS risks by become a TKW to foreign country.
May be u asked, why the title of the film is kloset? It’s because the main character, Ayu, has a child who just want to loosen the bowels on WC duduk. Ayu didn’t have money to bought him what he wanted.
So happy that the WW has succeed. Now, there are other things to organized. Ouch..
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About me
- M.Rabindra Surya aka Arya aka Rabz
- Male
- Twenty
- Maaf kalo ada postingan dengan bahasa Inggris kacaubalau. Lagi belajar ^^"