Monday, December 03, 2007


lagi rehat dulu ah..
males nulis blog..
sepertinya tak ada yang menarik untuk diceritakan..
too much assignments..
kecuali mo nulis tentang assignments itu.. hoho..
but that's a big no no for me (and 4 u too I guess)
lagipula bentar lagi udah UAS.. uas terakhir utk beberapa temen gw yang bentar lagi lulus (amiiin..)..
pengen cepet2 libur...


And i've been revising my internship report til I bored to death..
Why we can't just stick to ONE lecturer as the advisor?? Cause different lecturer has different style of report. Hence, I should reshape it from beginning til the end???

And why the advise was not from 1 or 2 months ago, immediately after we'd gave the draft? And now, when the intern report is soooo yesterday, we must revise it again? T____T...

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  • M.Rabindra Surya aka Arya aka Rabz
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