And this morning, my brother cooked a food. And when he served it on the table, he told us that it is 'ratatouille'.. yeah, u know, ratatouille actually has no any relation with 'rat' (tikus). It's a kind of french food. [read it here]
First, I didn't believe him.. Because.. the ratatouille was made of... errrr. eggplant????? I don't really like eggplant though I don't hate it too.. But I really know that eggplant is absent from my food preference list. I just guessed that ratatouille made of some sort of potato or something like that. But not eggplant T__T.. However, it's a nice try from my brother.. :) Well done, bro.. Though may be I want to try it on a french resto, or may be in France? (Amiiin.. Mudah2an bisa suatu saat).. soo, I know the actual taste of real ratatouille.
The food my brother served is quite similar with this..
Even after watching ratatouille, I still dont like rats.. Aargh.. Why there're many rats now in my house??? T__T.. [even now I hear that they're squeaking downstair]
Okay now. I must study for tomorrow exam. Wish me luck.. :).. Good luck also for tomorrow's KP presenters.
i love Ratatouille - the movie maksudnya!
Hillarious, gw ngakak sepanjang film Ya!
pelajaran yang gw dapet dari film itu,
klo gw liat tikus di dapur gw, berarti dia lagi masak, jangan "diganggu", wakakakakkk....
ga telat kok...
gw juga lom lama nontonnya...
in my opinion, ni pelem ga cocok kalo buat anak2..
paling engga yah es em pe lah ;)
dari awal dah bikin ngakak..
"first, I'm a rat".. GUBRAK ga seh?
truz yang pas ngobrol ma bokapnya tentang burung suatu saat akan meninggalkan sangkarnya. BUT WE'RE NOT BIRDS! T___T
yah...kalo segitu aja dah telat, gimana aku? sampe sekarang belom nonton, mais j'ai envie de le voir... mau nonton.......
hahahaha.. di sana ga ada tikus sih..
kalo di sini, mo dia masak kek, mo nyuci kek.. tetep aja.. -_-"
yups.. agree.. karena rada2 kompleks ceritanya.. sepupu gw yg masih kecil juga bingung pas nonton.
je l'ai su, parce que l'amour quelque chose de u s'est relié au Français. le téléchargement juste l'observent alors..
~hoho.. pasti tulisan ini kacaw. krn pake online translator :p
Hey Arya.. hehe, ketemu juga kita di dunia maya (halah!). Waaa, gw suka banget nonton Ratatouille.. well, hampir smua film animasi gw suka, sih :P
hey ella, ella, ella..
errr.. bukannya kita emang sering ketemu di dunia maya ya? hohoho...
pengen nonton 'bee movie' ni.. udah nonton?
arya, yang awal2 masih nangkap..
"i know it".seterusnya bisa diterjemahin, tapi ga nyambung menjadi satu kalimat...
~duh,,apa perancisku makin parah??
oh iya, ini lagi download ost ratatouille..nanti kucoba dengar le festin deh.. ok
hmm. bahasa inggris yg aku tranlaste sih seperti ini:
'i knew that u love anything related to france. just download it, then watch it'.. hehe..
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