I used travel agency called XTrans (60rb for adult, 50rb for students).. Well, my family quite often uses the travel nowadays if one of family member wants to go to Bandung/Jakarta. The reason is the travel is on time, the car is comfortable, and it's quite fast since it doesn't deliver each passenger to their destination. Yeah, dipikir2 emang mirip bis sih jadinya. But it's a lot more comfortable..
Okay, because I wanted to use the travel at the weekend, it must be quite hard to reserve it. There must be a bunch of people that want to go to Bandung at the weekend, soo I tried to reserve it several days before. I planned to book the ticket for a car that departs from fatmawati pool, but unfortunately it had been full already. Soo, I tried to phoned another pool, the second nearest is one in Beautiful Hut aka Pondok Indah. Lucky me, there was still two seats left. Soo, I reserved one seat.. Huhu, rada males jg sih ke pondok indahnya.. palagi ga dilewatin angkot..
Friday nite, it was soooo close. I almost got late catching the travel van. If I didn’t run, may be I must use another way to go to Bandung besides the travel.
Well, the van was nice, but hmm.. I smelled something bad, kayak bau kaki gitu di van nya.. Yaiks.. Yah, biarlah.. I just hoped that I can sleep easily so I didn’t need to consciously smell the bad odor, hehe…
At one of the rest area, the van halted to fill the van w/ petroleum and give chance to the passenger who wanted go to toilet. And, that time, there’s another XTrans van which got an engine trouble. So, there’s a transfer from the broken cars to other car which still ‘healthy’. Yeah, and the car that I sit in is was invaded by three persons.. hehe.. Jadi ngepas deh..
And fortunately, one of the nu passenger is a woman that used a quite strong perfume.. Even the bau kaki was defeated by the perfume, hehe.. Thanx then.. ^^
The trip took nearly 3 hours. We’ve met the traffic jam at Cawang -_-“. After that, hampir ga ada hambatan berarti.. :)
Duh, lagi males cerita panjang2 ni.. Singkat cerita, wiken tersebut menyenangkan.. Walau ada sekitar 30 detik yang sangat sangat menyebalkan.. But I don’t want to let the 30 seconds to ruined the other nice memory :D. Hiyah, I still think that my team has a great chance. But well, with the least preparation from all team soo it’s just fair if we didn’t get to the next round. Hopefully next year.. ^^. Amiin..
Oia, my mom and brother also went to Bandung on that weekend. But they went from Jakarta at Friday morning and go back at Monday afternoon. So, I couldn’t join them at all. hiks hiks.. At least I don’t need to buy some “hand fruit” for them, hehe..
Udah deh, postingan ini gw acak2in aja.. Gw tau bakal ga berurutan. Tapi emang lagi pengen ngetik aja ni.. hehe..
Iya begitu, sabtu malem gw pengen nonton di blitz megaplex bandung.. eh, dengan sotoynya si mbo bilang kl hari sabtu/minggu itu HTM nya 50ribu. Padahal seinget gw sih ga nyampe segitu. Eh, bener aja. Keesokan harinya si Lola cerita2 kl malamnya dia abis nonton di situ, dan dengan HTM hanya 25 rebu.. ah, dasar si mbo sotoyyyy…
Penginepannya deket banget ma gerombolan FO yang berserakan di jalan Riau. Tapi, mungkin emang lagi ga mood, jadinya gw sama sekali ga belanja. Satu2nya yang belanja sih sapa lagi selain si mas shopaholic itu.. hahaha.. Gw mah nunggu dibeliin aja.. :D
Tempat nginepnya, yaitu wisma nova was quite nice.. palagi ada air freshener nya (ga penting jg sih, hehe..)
Pulangnya, nonton last presentation. And congrats to Aksara with their ABC software ^^. From the top 5, I predict they will win it. Yeah, becoz their theme was just like ours.. :P Even the technology they’re using is just like what we want to use, but we have no time to prepare it, hoho..
Abis itu, balik nebeng mobilnya ZI. I don’t know, it seems all of us is buta jalan. Muter2 terus jadinya, padahal cuma mau ke gedung sate.. Padahal mah, kl dari dago ke gedung sate gw jg bisa. Maklum, gedung sate khan deket rumah sodara gw. Napa ga bilang dari awal kl mau ke gedung sate, daripada muter2 sampe 3 kali. Duh, mungkin gw nya jg ya yang kurang pede..
Dikirain ke gedung sate mo ngapain, ternyata beli es sop buah.. dan oh, tepat sekali saat beli itu, hujan pun turun. Betapa kombinasi yang sempurna antara es buah, hujan di kota bandung, dan duduk tepat di depan AC yang disetel cukup kencang.. T__T.. Berkat latihan yang intensif di library lantai 3 gedung PTTU Cilandak, gw jadi udah rada kebal sama dingin2an.. heuheuheu..
After that, mo kembali ke Jakarta. Of course dengan jalan yang muterr muterr.. Oia, kejadian antara dua pasangan muda itu (ZI and his wife) persis banget sama isi buku yg lagi gw baca di perjalanan itu jg, yaitu why woman can’t read maps and why man don’t listen.. hahaha.. duh, kayak langsung dapet contoh nyata..
Pas perjalanan pulang, sempet beli tahu sumedang.. dan gw ga tanya harganya terlebih dahulu, berhubung perkiraan gw paling mahal jg gopek sebiji. Gw beli 25 buah, dan harganya total 20rb. That means, sebutirnya 800 rupiah.. ckckck, mahal jg ya? Padahal cm tahu sekecil itu. Yah, udah terlanjur.. Masak mo gw balikin lagi tahu nya.. heheh..
arya ke bandung?ko ga' bilang2?hehe..besok dian rencananya pulang ke jakarta loh..nanti kita liburan yuuk..hehe =)
btw,dian juga lagi baca buku yang sama loh ya..seruuu ;p
hehe.. soalnya pas itu banyak pikiran, jadi ga sempet press conference deh.. :p
'mbo' mu...
eniweis, sangat terhibur baca postingan yang ini, bikin gw ngakak =D
we'll continue our discussion when the nu sem begin yah,,,, ;)
hoho... sama2..
walau gw bingung loe ktawa pas bagian mananya, hehe..
okay2.. see ya soon.. :)
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