I sud be thankful that my mom had enrolled me on public shool for my high school period.
My mom told me that if she enrolled me at private school from elementary to high school, she worried that I would become a narrow-minded people and seeing from just one side.
Not to mention that always study at private school is a bad thing, and I really really appreciate they who did it but still manage to become a wide-minded people.
May be we all know, a private school usually more pricey, soo the students is more homogen. Or let say in some good private school, most of them is coming from middle-up income family.
I still remember when I was at 3rd grade on elementary school, many many of my friends used shoes which brand is L.A Gear. The shoes has a light on their heels that will be blinking everytime the user step. And the shoes was really really expensive. Let say the price of the shoes was Rp.X in that time (sekitar '94an).. and that Rp.X is still expensive even in this year (2007).. gw pas itu sempet ngambek minta dibeliiin sepatu seperti itu, untung ada bude yang baik hati yang membelikannya... Sepatu itu akhirnya dipakai jg ke sekolah, walau ternyata jarang banget dipakenya. Now, that I understand, I really really regret had bought the shoes. Tp gpp lah, yg udah lewat ya sudahlah..
Now I know that the meaning of life is not just that. In other school, there're students that must help their parents beside studying, aiming to fulfill their daily need. There's many students which must think 1000 times just to buy one book.
yaa begitulah.. nanti kl gw udah punya anak dan menyekolahkannya, mungkin harus rada pilih2 juga.. jangan cuma milih yang bagus kualitas akademisnya aja, tapi gw jg mesti merhatiin tumbuh kembang kepribadiannya jg, halah.. tapi liat2 anaknya juga sih.. kalo dia bisa menghandle segalanya dengan baik, itu oke2 aja.. tapi kl udah mulai yang aneh2, ya jangan sampe deh.. hehe..
gene gene gw anak swasta lho mpe SMA,,,, huehehehe
*hahaha, sorri.. pasti dikasih respon yang cuma 'sooo?' sangat menyebalkan :p
gw ga ngerti maksud 'gene gene' itu apa ya? hehe..
Kalo gw dari SD sampe Kuliah selalu negeri donk....kan anak negeri, hehe.....
Gw juga pastinya entar kalo nyekolahin anak2 gw bakalan di sekolah negeri....
ckckck... setia sekali..
gw jg ah, mo nyekolahin anak2 gw di negeri. bisa negeri orang, negeri seberang, dsb :p.. but definitely mesti nyobain di negeri sendiri ;)
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