I phoned Mala, asking if she came there too. She had come earlier at 10 in the morning. Yes, yes, I could ask for some suggestions which ones she recommended to buy. Hoho. Because before came to FKKM, I had some foods at the wedding party, it quite impossible for me to eat again at the event. So, we just took away some foods to eat them at home. Ohya, I met Nilam03 and some of 2003's girls there.
These are what we bought there:
Actually, this food was not that unique. We could see its outlets everywhere. But I hadn't taste it even a bit. So, I had initiative to buy it, hehe. There's only one menu: original Kebab priced 10K. And I loved it. I mean, the wrapper was crunchy but soft at the same time. the filling was great too, the mixture of cheese, sauce, meat, etc were in perfect composition and combination. Recommended!!
b. Sandwich Bakar (I forget the exact name)
We ordered a tuna sandwich. It tastes okay. Yeah, like every other tuna sandwich. Price: 15K
c. Singkong Keju Meletus
Originated in Jogja, and inspired by the explosion of Merapi mount. The singkong keju meletus is a kind of kripik singkong (cassava crispy chip), uses cheese as its ingredients. The taste and the crisp was in the right adjusment in my opinion. Price: 15K/sack.
d. Martabak Bolu Golden Bells
e. Sepang
Foods wouldn't be complete without beverage. On the promotion whiteboard, it written 'minuman berenergi, asli dari kalimantan'. The red colored cold drink succeed to attract me, even more at the hot day like that. So, I bought one with price 5K. When I tasted it, errr, it's reaaaally similar with the taste of Bir Pletok! No, it's the same drinks! No differences at all…. Huhu.. I became more disappointed because I didn't really like bir pletok.. Huhuhu. [I have written a post about bir pletok in this blog.]
Overall, the tastes of those foods were great!! Hohoho.. makin gembul deh gw.
pics courtesy of martabakbolu.com and babarafi.com
hm....sebagian menu yang lo pilih sama kaya gw kecuali singkong meletus (yang gw liat mirip ma singkong keju, jadi gw ga beli) sama sandwich bakar (gw ga liat nih...)
bener kan...martabak bolunya enak...tapi kayaknya bermasalah di perut gw dah, soalnya setiap gw makan, malemnya pas mo tidur perut gw mulesss banget...
waah, ga ngira bakal seseru itu. tapi kalo ga salah si nisa nawarin ke situ pas lagi tes hari sabtu. tapi udah ga kepikiran soale besoknya juga jalan-jalan ke curug cibeureum, heheh. eh bolunya udah ada yang imitasian blum ya di jakarta? :D
emangnya beli sepang juga?
iya lah, yang lain khan hasil rekomendasi dari lo.. huhu
actually, it's not that 'seru'.. hehehe.. jalan2 ke curug cibeureum sama sapa? pengen ke pegunungan nii..
hmm, kayaknya belom ada deh.. kunjungi website nya aja :)
udah si, masih nanya soale ga percaya blum ada di sini. hehe. sampe sini biasanya udah ga enak lagi :D tapi lebih enak mana ya sama martabak yang banyak minyaknya itu? lagi ngidam ni..
cibeureum? sama bph bem, klik
hehehehe.. thanx.. :)
hoo, biasanya martabak minyak itu manis banget sih.. saya kurang suka yg manis2 banget.. lagipula kbanyakan minyak kan ga bagus untuk badan.. hehehehe..
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