Wait, but i still wanna using english.. Hmm,,, How about I just mix the Bahasa with english? hoho... yeah, although the reader will face more difficulty in figuring out what I want to deliver, hehe.... tserah ah, palingan juga yang baca juga ga banyak
Okay, dimulai dari bulan Ramadhan.. Hmm, I think I nail some of my target. Although I still don't satisfy enough with it. Overall? Hmm, I think it was slightly better than previous Ramadhan. I did tarawih on masjid more often than last year. And I didn't put so much revenge on fast-breaking like used to, hoho.. Hmm, may be because on this year ramadhan, I just newly recovered from tipoid fever, so my eagerness to eat is not as lofty as usual.
I don't know, but I think I really agree for using sholat tasbih instead of the lengthy version of tahajud (with reading such a long surat). With sholat tasbih, I think all of the ma’mum understand the meaning of 'subhanallah, alhamdulillah, laa ilaaha illallah, allahu akbar'. But I don't think most of the ma'mum (inc. me) will understand the long surat. Hmm, I don't say it's false, but I just prefer a sholat tasbih one, hehe...
Ustadz Arifin himself is soo intelligent, not only in islamic field, but he's really smart in person. He graduated from Al-Azhar Cairo Egypt, n he's also a education consultant in Highscope Cilandak, one of a prestigious elementary school in Jakarta (correct me if i'm wrong). He often makes analogs in describe things about Islam, so we can easily relate it to our daily routines. And he made us thinking w/ our logic, so not only our heart and faith say yes, but also our brain said it whole-brainedly (istilah asal :p).. May be I will post some of his analogs later.
The masjid al-istiqomah was definitely comfy place, with the air conditioner that relaxing, thick carpet, etc. The jamaah itself was not too crowded, so we could pray with more khusyu.
1 comment:
Very interesting to read. Thank you.
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