After spent the night at hospital, we went home. And then I have another schedule: walkin-walkin (WW) 2b.. hoho.. actually, at first just I, awl, mika, and tuko who’ll join the WW. But, I thought why I just don’t invite other friends to join us? May some of them had no schedule on that day. Soo, I began to message some of them. Until now, I still am wondering why I messaged ‘em? Often, it used to make me tired, and kind of annoyed with waiting the reply. But I’ve learned that I must do it sincerely, if some of ‘em reply my message, it’s good. If no, yeah, may be they’re in hectic state so they couldn’t deliver any reply.
Some of ‘em couldn’t join cause they had another occasion, like JZ, who predictably must accompany her parents shopping. Dela n Arri, who just exhausted after had vacation on outer city (luar kota maksudnya). Ndy n Lid, who picked up their family on soekarno-hatta airport. Nda who got her frequent stomachache, kush went to garut accompanied her dad, vij went to two mangos, etc etc.
This WW was held on Senci aka Senayan City (first, Arri asked me where’s Senci.. wakakak.. dia taunya Singapore sih sekarang..), at wendy’s. the choice of wendy’s as gathering location, because we didn’t know whether senci had any foodcourt or not.. hehe. But one for sure ,we knew that there’s wendy’s on senci.
The attendance were me, mika, awl, tk, fiz, mon, bol, dil, dian, ima, vig, and tisa.. 12 people, man!!.. one of the most successful 2b reunion.. heheh.. usually, it’s below 10 people.. and sometimes it’s end up with me, mika, n awl.. hehehe.. soo busy my friends are.. walau direncanain dari jauh hari jg ga ngepek..
I did sholat at ground floor on musholla named executive musholla (beeeuh, gaya banget dah namanya..). the place was clean and classy.. one of the best musholla in mall I think, though the musholla on 6th floor was not as good as the one on G floor..
Overall, I thought the movie was really entertaining and children-friendly. Although rotten tomatoes criticized it as “has humorous moments, but mostly forgettable”. Yeah, quite true. But at least I was very entertained, had some good laughs, and left the cinema room with pleasant feeling. The graphic was colorful, bright, and lovely. The storyline was not extraordinary, but well, good enough. Hmm, this was may be because I just wanted to watch something that doesn’t really need brain to gulp it.
Score: 3,5 from 5
After that, we visited woman emancipation expo (I forgot the name). in the expo ,there was photo exhibition, then film showing. The movie has entitled ‘kloset’, directed by a famous Indonesia director: Garin Nugroho. The movie told about the situation in Indonesian villages, where the people very poor, then women there had dilemmatic situation between choosing stick to live in poverty in village, or take a ENORMOUS risks by become a TKW to foreign country.
May be u asked, why the title of the film is kloset? It’s because the main character, Ayu, has a child who just want to loosen the bowels on WC duduk. Ayu didn’t have money to bought him what he wanted.
So happy that the WW has succeed. Now, there are other things to organized. Ouch..
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