Friday, March 28, 2008

they're new

Hiyaa.. Banyak barang baru yah di fakultas tercinta... Seperti yang terlihat di kiri dan kanan bawah, ada LCD TV sumbangan dari BNN (badan narkotika nasional), jadi yang diputer jg sekitar narkoba: bahayanya, efeknya, dsb. Walaupun begitu, tuh tivi rasanya ga begitu guna. Karena selain yang ditayangin adalah pengetahuan umum banget, selain itu lebih banyak tayangan yg nawarin slot kosong (bisa masang iklan di situ, coz sepertinya sih BNN menaro di banyak tempat. dan sumber tayangannya adalah centralized)..

Kalo di kanan atas, terlihat ada ring basket yg menurutku kurang tinggi dan CCTV camera. CCTV ini dipasang di cukup banyak tempat, dan pak satpam bisa melihatnya di layar secara langsung.. Kalo yg banci tampil, mungkin bs merekam dirinya lewat kamera ini, hoho..

Bagian kanan bawah ada sekre baru. hoho.. berubah khan tampilannya? selain itu, di belakang jg lapangannya baru (uda digarisin segala macem, ada net, dsb). ah, pas udah mo lulus (amiin) aja, baru banyak fasilitas.. -__-"

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Food Review: Ichiban Sushi

Beberapa waktu yang lalu, saya ditraktir oleh oknum berinisial L untuk makan di tempat ini (hahaha, jahat banget ya gw? udah ditraktir, terus pake istilah oknum lagi :p, dan inisialnya salah pula..hoho..).. setelah dilanda kebimbangan mo makan di mana, dipilihlah tempat itu dengan alasan belum ada yg pernah nyobain makan di situ..

di sana nunggu makanannya cukup lama. kalo yang beef teriyaki rada cepet, nah yg tempura set lebih lama karena emang banyak jenisnya. tapi emang sih, yang tempura set lebih nampol.. rasa makanannya menurut gw lumayan lah ya, ga mengecewakan.. :)

thanx banyak ya L ^^.. (haha, kalo pake inisial kayak di serial GG :p)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

if u can't call me, text me.

just wonderin'.. that sometimes people tried to called me when I'm in the situation that made me couldn't receive it. Like when I was in the class, it's highly unlikely that I would pick up the phone.. I don't have any talent for secretly pickin up the phone in the class. And I am not yet become a person that can easily stand up from the chair, walk through the door, go outside the class and then pick up the phone. Beside that, I have a bunch amount of clumsy moment when I did things that I didn't really like. I can imagine, if I take the phone outside, I will have a neville-longbottom-moment (i.e. get my leg stumbled by a chair). Haha..

hmm, but that's depend on what kind of call. If it was an urgent call, I had no choice to pick it up. But I just wonderin', that if use use a cellphone to call (or any phone who can do text), why if u can't call someone and u have tried several times, just text him/her.. i know that kind of communication was not really a synchronous.. but at least with text message, u can deliver the purpose of the calling, except if it's a really important one that the info will be useless in the next two hours.

but, if the info is still relevant for next few hours, I think u just can text it. okay, may be u just wanna call it becoz u don't won't to make it difficult for the recipient. but, i just get annoyed if in one time I missed the call and got no sms accompanied it. when it tried to call him/her back, she/he was on the proper condition to pick up the phone. soo, I didn't get the purpose of the call, n he/she couldn't reach her aim also. trus biasanya suka ganti2an miskol. tapi saat yg satu bisa, yg lain ga bisa dan begitu seterusnya..

soo, why bother to send text?

Monday, March 24, 2008

Get Ready for Charity Week

Sekalian buat bantu untuk anak2 yang ikut comdev school ah, jadi posting di blog aja.. kali2 ada yang baca.. huehehe...

Baju layak pakainya dikumpulkan di sekre-square, di depan lift..
Pengumpulan baju mulai tanggal 25 Maret 2008 s/d 4 April 2008, maksimal jam 6 sore..
Terima Kasih.. (ayo2.. anak comdev school smangat.. :D)

Ayo2.. nyumbang2.. pasti baju2 bekas udah pada numpuk khan? coz it's quite a long time since the last time we asked for your used clothes.. daripada numpuk di rumah.. hehehe...

Sekalian ah, bagi kamu cs04 yang belon ngumpulin foto untuk buku angkatan.. ojo lali yoo.. masalah bayar membayar, akan disampaikan kemudian.. hoho.. thanx berat.. :D

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

game pengganggu

Who has the biggest brain? by Playfish. Salah satu game di facebook yang bikin addicted, atau dapat dibilang satu2nya game di FB yang buat gw mencoba memainkannya berkali2 T__T. Pertama sih nyobain karena liat temen2 di itebe pada mainin.. tp ko akhirnya keterusan.. temen2 di cs jg mulai mainin krn gily liatin si paal main.. akhirnya jatuhlah bbrp mangsa baru spt auma, alw, iap, bacup, rilo, dan bahkan arsa yg tadinya ga mo ikutan skarang malah ikutan jg.. wekekekek.. bener2 bahaya tu game..

sebenernya permainannya simple sih. simple yg butuh mikir tp. kayak itung2an sederhana, atau uji ingatan. tapi mungkin krn sifat simple itu, dan juga dari sisi aspek kompetisinya yang membuat orang jadi penasaran. yang bisa buat orang jadi mikir, "masak game kayak gini doang, nilai gue cuman segini sih? dia aja bisa segitu".. hahaha.. baguslah kl yg bisa ga ketagihan, seperti bbrp kawan :).

tapi untuk jaga2, sebaiknya jangan coba-coba.. I beg you..

Friday, March 14, 2008

Telkomsel Poin

Pengguna Telkomsel, lekas ketik dan kirim ke 777

This is one of the Telkomsel facilities, which has existed for quite a long time, but seemed kinda neglected by some people. Yups, with Tsel poin, you can choose what kind of ‘prize’ do you prefer, between some points that will be drawed three times a year, or free sms, or free usage, etc.

Why I said that many people didn’t put so much attention about it? Because, most of my friends who’s using Telkomsel card even didn’t really know about it. Some of them asked me, “apaan tuh Ya? Baru denger..”.. Some of them said, “oooh.. kayaknya pernah tau.. yang ada gratis sms itu ya? Hmm, tapi pernah gw pake ga ya?”.

Huwah.. They’re college students!!.. I mean, in many stories, college students were known about their efficiency and kinda thrifty about financial condition. But even college students didn’t really care about Tsel poin, how about people that has a settled financial condition? I think most of them didn’t conscious AT ALL about this. And u know that Tsel has many members with good financial condition. This is because Tsel is the first cellular provider in Indonesia (CMIIW). And the first ones who used the cellphone were only people from middle-up class (u know that cellphones were really expensive that day). Even our recent mister president using KartuHalo (remember 0811 11 9949?).. and if u work in remote area (freeport may be?), using Tsel is almost compulsory. For them, that amount of Poin means nothing. But me, it’s mean everything!!! (engga laah.. gila aja.. :p)

Okay, may be Tsel had been advertising in TV, newspapers, and others media. But I think many people just saw it but just let it passin by. How many people have big expectation about ‘undian’ thing? This is because the ‘undian’ was the main point at every advertisement about Tsel poin, and there’s a little info about free sms or free usage.

I think Tsel has been takin advantages from this situation (although not significant). So, Telkomsel Users, what are you waiting? Use your point, RIGHT NOW!!!!


Sunday, March 09, 2008


Alhamdulillah.. I was really really really happy yesterday..

And I just wanna share the story here. Hmm, now I'm thinking that most of the posts here are about the feeling when I'm happy. Or at least occasions that can make me happy (okay, usually it's about food, hahaha..). Hmm, may be the reason is I've ever read (or hear) that we better to share our happy story than a sad one to the others, because it can increase our gratitude and may be can spread the positive energy to others. with sharing sad story, I don't think it's a bad thing, but if I do it too often, I just think it's no use to make myself look suffered everytime. hehe..

Another thing, with posting a happy story, hopefully when I read it next time, especially when I'm sad, I will think that my life is not so bad afterall.. :)

Nah, pake bahasa Indonesia aja ya biar cepet.. Latihan bahasa Inggrisnya besok2 lagi aja.. hehe..
Okay, jadi kemaren ceritanya gw dan adek pergi ke wichan, karena janjian sama sepupu untuk makan di pancious yang baru buka di pacific place tanggal 1 maret kemaren. review tentang makanannya bisa diliat di postingan sebelum ini.. hehe.. sebelum berangkat dari rumahku, padahal gw udah sarapan nasgor bumbu cabe yummy dulu.. hoho.. jadi sarapan di pancious adalah sarapan kedua :p

Abis dari pancious, kita kembali rumah dulu.. ketemu bude, pakde, bermain2 bersama si adek bayi,, hehe.. dia gendut banget, bentuk palanya hampir seperti bola sempurna.. lagi ngegemesin2nya, karena udah bisa diajak bercanda, tapi juga belom bisa lari jadi ngejarnya ga capek.. wekekekek..

abis itu, orang2 di rumah pada keluar semua.. ada yang ke PS, seaworld, dan kami pergi ke mal ambassador. Mas as mo nyari cooler fan untuk lepi2 di rumahnya.. Akhirnya dapet juga. Mba ty hunting2 makanan dulu, dan akhirnya si risoles dan kroker menjadi mangsanya.. hoho.. Setelah dapet cooler fan dan kroket (serta dapet 'bonus' caselogic), kita hunting2 cetakan kue..

Mba ty sama adek emang rencananya mo bikin kaastengels bersama.. jadilah si mba cari2 bahannya dl.. ternyata susah jg ya cari cetakan kue.. di kitchen store ga dapet.. akhirnya dapetnya malah di Oke Doku (sejenis valus yang everything 5000), tapi di sini ditambah ppn, jadi everything 5500, hehehe... Yah, walau cetakannya rada2 mirip mainan, dan ukuran gede2 banget, tapi masih bisa lah dipake.. Si mba niat sekali beli cetakannya, jadi kayak koleksi :p..

Abis itu pergilah kita ke kemchick, untuk beli2 bahan2 buat kaastengles: telor, keju, tepung terigu.. tak lupa si mba ty melakukan hobinya: beli ati ayam untuk kucing2 di rumah, hehe.. mas as sampe heran2 karena si mba ini hobi banget beli ati..

abis dari kemchick, si mba nyari pasir kucing, tapi sayang sekali ga dapet.. abis itu ke carrefour, untuk nyari salmon (yg lagi2 buat kucing), dan di situ dia dapet belanja gratis lho.. tp sayangnya belanjanya cm dikit, karena br dikasitau dapet rewardnya pas di kasir.. hehe.. tp ya mungkin yang rejekinya segitu.. yg ngantri di depan si mba dapet gratis 800rb. enak kan? hehe..

abis dari carrefour, nyari mainan. yak benar, lagi2 untuk kucing.. hehe.. kali ini mainan berbentuk mirip ikan buntel dari karet berwarna oranye, yang didalamnya ada lampu, dan jika digoyang2, maka lampunya akan nyala2.. terus beli trompet2an.. dan terus beli mainan dari silikon bentuk tikus dan telor, yang kalo dilempar ke lantai dengan keras, tampak seperti pecah.. (yang ini ga tau deh untuk bayi atau untuk kucing.. :p)

gw pun di situ membeli headset mps-70 untuk hape kesayanganku.. walau dengan hati sangat bimbang karena gw lagi bener2 bokek.. iya, gw lagi bener2 bokek.. tapi kayaknya saat itu setan sedang merasukiku, jadilah tergoda untuk beli jg tuh headset seharga 85K. itupun udah yang murah, karena yg mahal harganya 200K/300K, huhu... abis beli tu headset, gw rada2 ga semangat, krn sudah termakan godaan setan :(. dan berniat utk hemat sehemat2nya dalam beberapa minggu serta bulan ke depan, karena gw dalam kondisi teramat sangat cekak, huhu.. kayaknya baru ngerasain kondisi kayak gitu ya sekarang ini. hmm, apa gw yg terlalu mendramatisir ya? ah, tapi engga ko.. memang bener2 cekak..

okay, setelah semua urusan di mal ambasador selesai (trmasuk nyari cd monday michiru), kami kembali ke rumah sodaraku. di situ yg lain ternyata udah pada sampe rumah.. kami makan batagor dr bandung sisa hari sebelumnya yg emang masih banyak banget.. karena udah dari hari sebelumnya, jadi tu batagor ga serenyah sebelumnya walo udah diangetin di microwave.

ternyata kucingnya si mba udah beranak banyak: ada 5 buah anak kucing, tapi sayang yang dua lagi sakit. setelah dibawa ke dokter, katanya sakit cacingan.. heh? kucing sakit cacingan? ada2 aja sih.. setau gw bukannya hewan rada2 kebal makan makanan yang kotor ya? atau emang gw aja yg ga tau.. hehe.. mungkin si kucing itu lupa cuci tangan kali sebelom makan.. :p

terus si mba menceritakan kisah kucingnya yg lain bernama snowball yang abis mati.. si kucing itu mati karena sakit perut.. nah, jadi si kucing itu khan pernah bunting, taulah kalo kucing bunting, yg dilahirin mestinya ga cuma 1 anak.. nah, tapi yang keluar dari perut si snowball itu cuma seekor. yang lainnya ga berhasil keluar. nah, jadilah janin2 yang lain itu tertinggal di perutnya dan lama2 perutnya meradang. Oleh karena itu, si mba membawa snowball ini ke dokter di ragunan (yg pusat hewan2 itu lo)..

nah, si kucing disarankan untuk dioperasi cesar.. wekk, ada ya operasi cesar untuk kucing. tapi biaya operasinya berkisar antara 3/4 jeti karena saat itu lagi wiken, sehingga semua biaya didobelin.. wekk.. 3 atau 4 juta???? langsunglah si mba ga mau.. jadilah cari dokter hewan yang ga sematre di ragunan, dan dapatlah di daerah fatmawati dengan harga yang jauuh lebih murah. sayangnya, setelah dioperasi, snowball tetep mati :(. mungkin karena sakitnya udah lama jg kali ya..

back to topic, di rumah itu gw nemuin majalah berbahasa sunda.. hihi.. gw baru tau.. dan rasanya aneh aja baca majalah yg tulisannya sunda..

tapi menurutku oke ko.. karena bisa melestarikan kebudayaan jg, walau ga pake tulisan hanacaraka, hehe..

sayangnya gw ga ngerti :(

baca abarat sebentar, abis itu malemnya ke blitz megaplex di pacific place. karena mo nonton.. hihi, enak jg ya kalo tinggal ngesot dan udah sampe.. review tontonannya bisa diliat di postingan sebelum ini.

blitz megaplex di situ menurut gw cukup pewe, tapi sayang kurang dingin.. tempat duduknya jg lega.. tapi sayang harganya mahal :(. mendingan nonton di XII kemana2..

setelah itu kembali ke rumah sodara gw. capek. seharian itu keliling kmana2. hehe.. ohya, akhirnya kami ga jadi bikin kaastengles, huhu.. gagal deh menjajal profesi sebagai gourmet :p.
si bude mengoleh2i berbagai macam kripik, dodol belitung, risol, dan juga amplop ^^..

Sampe rumah dah malem, capek banget sekaligus senang.. apalagi setelah buka amplopnya, hehe.. alhamdulilahirabbil 'alamin.. ^^. bener2 membantu kondisi keuangan yang sedang dilanda resesi.. makasih banyak bude... makasih bnyak mba..

Alhamdulillah banget, ngerasa kalo Allah baik banget.. Padahal gw masih suka berbuat salah :(. Tapi jadi ngerasain kalo ternyata untuk setiap perbuatan baik, akan dibalas oleh Allah dengan kebaikan yang berlipat2, dan dari arah yg tak disangka2.. u won't get any poorer by doin charities.. (btw, ini bukan ttg pengmas lho)

Terus, ternyata memang benar hadits yang mengatakan bahwa dengan silaturahmi bisa membuka pintu rahmat.. Karena setiap aku silaturahmi, biasanya memang rezekinya akan dimudahkan, hehe.. walau sebenernya mungkin tidak selalu dalam bentuk finansial, tapi bisa juga dalam bentuk kebahagiaan hati, persaudaraan, dsb yang menurutku juga merupakan rahmat Allah.. :)

pancious, risol, kroket, 27

Humm, before I start to work on my TA, again, wanna write some reviews based on yesterday experience. hehe. In this post, there'll be only reviews, I will put my personal story on the different post. Okay, here they are..

Pancious Pancake House..

Finally, the plan for having breakfast at Pancious really came true.. Pancious Pancake House previously only open at Permata Hijau, but starting from 1 March 2008, it also open on Pacific Place 5th floor.

My cousin had asked me to try Pancious for weeks. But we hadn't a time that we could go together.. But finally, this week my cousin cancelled her plan to go to Bandung, and I also didn't have any important plan at Saturday. Soo, me and my bro went to wichan, then went to Pancious at Pacific Place (open from 10 am)

The resto provided, of course, pancakes menu. The pancakes (and waffles) not only just sweet pancakes which we often see (like in A&W with its ice cream waffles), but in Pancious you can taste savory/salty pancakes, like pancakes with sausage, or even with cheese.

We ordered several foods: full breakfast (because we're so hungry that morning), then tiramisu pancakes, and smoked beef fettuccine (if I'm not wrong :p). Honestly, I still have a lil bit regret because I didn't order savory fettucine at all :(.

The taste of tiramisu pancake was good.. I love the pancakes, because it has smooth texture, and it's so tender. Yeah, I like a not crispy type of pancake. Soo, if u like a crispy one, may be u won't really into it.

The 'full breakfast' menu contain of scrambled eggs (which tasted like another scrambled eggs :p), sausage (which is not tender >.< ), a slice of smoked beef, and a couple of original pancakes (with maple syrup).. the portion was quite big, so u won't need any additional food if u just want to fill ur belly :p. The fettucine is okay. The taste was adequate, not too salty which I'd found on many smoked beef fettucines on other restos. I recommend the pancakes. Too bad I didn't try the savory one. If u go there and not really hungry, don't order the full breakfast, hehe.. Some drinks like ice tea could be refilled, and the price of the drink is quite reasonable (almost similar w/ Bloc Fisip). The glass size also huge, soo I think that'll be okay if u buy a not the cheapest one ^^.

There's a promo, if u go there 3 times in 2 months, you can get a VIP card (10% discount for each transaction). Oya, i just wanna tell that the breakfast menu is available everyday at Pacific Place, but in Permata Hijau is on holiday only.

The place is cozy, with lounge music that made me feel good.

Kroket dan Risoles Karawaci

We bought it at Mal Ambassador, top floor. There're many flavors of kroket and risoles that you can choose, such as chicken flavor, cheese, chicken and cheese, fish, smoked beef and cheese, and so on.. My favorite of course smoked beef and cheese. haha..

The taste was deliciouse, but not as appetizing as the one that I'd taste in Pastello.. But overall, u won't get disappointed by trying it.. :)

27 Dresses

Starring: Katherine Heigl, James Marsden.

I watched this movie, because we just didn't wanna watch horror movie (hantu ambulans, 40 hari bangkitnya pocong), or ayat-ayat cinta (which is currently filled most studios in movie theater in Indonesia).

And because my cousin wanted to watch this, I just followed her (namanya jg dibayarin :p). The story was about a quite old girl (woman) who had 27 times became a bridesmaid. And she kept the dresses that she wore in a closet. Her biggest dream was being married, but she found it really difficult to make it come true.

Umm, I think the story was okay. The genre was romantic comedy, soo from the genre I think you can predict the flow, hehe.. I think it's a lil bit similar with Wedding Planner, which has the story of a girl that has occupation of wedding planner, but the wedding never came to herself.

For you who just wanna watch movie for having fun, I think this film it's quite good. But if u want a stellar story and performance, better u watch another movie..

Oya, I just tried to watch 'no country for old men'... But I haven't been in a perfect mood to watch that kind of movie: serious, gloomy, need thinking, a lil bit brutal, and bloody.. hehe.. I don't even try to watch the 'there will be blood' movie.. After read the synopsis, I thought the story was interesting. Soo,, umm.. may be later.. hehe.. Juno movie (about problems facing by a girl after havin accident with his soon-to-be-boyfriend).. umm, it's simple but the advantage is it's simplicity.

About me

  • M.Rabindra Surya aka Arya aka Rabz
  • Male
  • CSUI
  • Twenty
  • Maaf kalo ada postingan dengan bahasa Inggris kacaubalau. Lagi belajar ^^"