Thursday, August 09, 2007

Lateral Thinking

I knew this term from one of my friend.. He told me that lateral thinking is something quite important in work, esp for a non-techical job.. We need more than just a logical thinking.. Yeah, I'm really sure all of u know what logical thinking is ..

It is so important, that even many leading multinational company prefer fresh-graduate from another university/institute more than us, with 'lateral thinking' as the argument..

Lateral thinking is... Emmm, it's quite difficult for me to describe it.. But, may be we just can say it 'thinking outside the box'.. What it is? Hmm, may be the example below can explain it more clearly.. :)

A man and his son are in a car crash. The father is killed and the son is taken to hospital gravely injured. When he gets there, the surgeon says "I can't operate on this boy- he is my son!" How is this possible?

Jawabannya adalah si surgeon merupakan ibu dari anak laki2 tadi. Kebanyakan orang membayangkan surgeon adalah laki-laki.. Nah, kalo yg keseringan nonton sinetron (pointer ke gw :p), pertama2 akan mikir: "waaah, orang tuanya ga bener ni".. hehe.. padahal sama sekali engga..

may be u want to visit the page on wikipedia..
and this site contain several lateral thinking puzzles.. yang jawabnya gampang2 susah.. hehe..


Ra! said...

masih lom nangkep, rabz...
ni jadi maksudnya piye..

yang jadi concern tuw masalah stereotype-nya, ato dari segi sebagaimana kita bisa melihat berbagai kemungkinan, ato apa?

another example, please =)

(lagi males nengok om wiki)

rabindra said...

sepertinya lebih kpd melihat dari berbagai kemungkinannya deh.. lbh kpd kreativitas brpikir, yg mungkin ga bisa dideduksi scr eksplisit dari fakta2 yg disajikan saat itu..
(hmm, gw bingung sendiri, barusan gw nulis apa ya? :p)

liat di aja deh.. gw sndiri jg lagi males buka web nya.. or nnt gw emailin aja deh.. :)

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