Thursday, January 13, 2005


Knapa gw ngga bisa bersahabat sama yang namanya template ya??
Bsok gw mo ke Bandung lagi, belon beberes..
Padahal gw punya masalah sama yang namanya beres2 baju.. Gw suka bingung baju apa yang bakal gw pake.. Walhasil, gw masukin aja tuh semua baju yang ada di lemari gw.. Jadi kayak orang naik haji aja, bawa pakaiannya segambreng banyaknya..

Okay, gw beres2 dulu yah.. bye2..

Monday, January 03, 2005

Comment about Aceh Rebuilding

Om Bill Clinton komentar kl pembangunan rumah yang permanen utk pengungsi di Aceh kelamaan dan ga jadi2.. [look at here]

Sebaiknya dia tanya dulu deh tentang gimana kondisinya di sana. Seperti yg telah sodara gw ceritakan. Cerita itu telah gw tuliskan dulu. Cuma berhubung postingan itu multitopik, jadi gw copy aja di bawah ini.

I only just know that one of my not-so-near families had worked on Aceh. She worked on a british company which has a project in Aceh to rebuild and reconstruct that province after enormous earthquake and tsunami two years ago.

She worked as a planner and designer, to make a new –perumahan- for civilian whose houses demolished. She told us that the new houses will be build using number one material, number one paint, and number one in everything. With very very well design that outdo every single aspect in – teknik sipil – discipline.

But still, is not that easy to rebuild houses that even the bound with each other has gone. To identify one house boundaries, we must find the neighborhoods of the home owner, satu untuk batas depan, satu untuk kanan, satu untuk kiri, dan satu untuk belakang. And of course, after that disaster, it’s hard to find all neighborhoods.

And one that makes it even harder, the constructor must fulfill every person wants. Yeah, one by one!!! Imagine it!! May be a person want to have a white roof with beige colored wall and so on. Another person of course has a different specification. Even there’s a person who want green leaf colored outer wall and dark yellow inner wall. What??? Of course, for extremely request like that, constructor can’t accomplish it. Even many of the people have a very very detail request, such as an elevation degree between roof and wall, and the degree of curve of a nail..

The constructor has been holding a regularly meeting with the community. And the discussion often went so long and –terjadi debat kusir –. Hence, the discussion becomes a nightmare for the constructor. But still, there’s one prohibited words for the constructor: “take it or leave it”.

It’s so hard to rebuild and reconstruct the houses. I merely understand why it took so long.

Sebenernya sih, secara tidak langsung gw mo mengatakan bahwa karakteristik tiap daerah itu berbeda. take it or leave it. Orang Madura sebagian besar orangnya keras (keras blm tentu buruk lho..), orang jawa biasanya (terlalu) sabar, orang padang punya jiwa bisnis tinggi, dlsb. engga cuma di Indonesia, di luar negeri pun begitu. Misalnya orang Jepang dikatakan berdisiplin tinggi. Di eropa sendiri dikelompok2an, misalnya di eropa selatan biasanya orangnya lebih kasar. Yang di utara lebih santun. Jangankan beda negara, di negara imut2 seperti swiss saja, antara orang timur dan baratnya aja sifatnya udah beda sifat.

Kok bisa beda sifat? Bisalah.. mulai dari kebiasaan dari jaman baheula, geografis, sifat pemerintahan setempat pas penjajahan, kepercayaan, dan lain lain sebagainya.

Sekali lagi, walaupun ada karakteristik secara umum tentang penduduk suatu daerah. Tapi, ga semua orang yg berasal dr situ punya sifat yg sama khan. So, don't generalize it. Walaupun kl mau buat proyek atau pembangunan di suatu daerah, tentulah harus mempelajari sifat penduduknya. walau berbeda, kita tetep satu khan? walau satu, tapi tidak semuanya mesti sama khan?

About me

  • M.Rabindra Surya aka Arya aka Rabz
  • Male
  • CSUI
  • Twenty
  • Maaf kalo ada postingan dengan bahasa Inggris kacaubalau. Lagi belajar ^^"