Friday, March 14, 2008

Telkomsel Poin

Pengguna Telkomsel, lekas ketik dan kirim ke 777

This is one of the Telkomsel facilities, which has existed for quite a long time, but seemed kinda neglected by some people. Yups, with Tsel poin, you can choose what kind of ‘prize’ do you prefer, between some points that will be drawed three times a year, or free sms, or free usage, etc.

Why I said that many people didn’t put so much attention about it? Because, most of my friends who’s using Telkomsel card even didn’t really know about it. Some of them asked me, “apaan tuh Ya? Baru denger..”.. Some of them said, “oooh.. kayaknya pernah tau.. yang ada gratis sms itu ya? Hmm, tapi pernah gw pake ga ya?”.

Huwah.. They’re college students!!.. I mean, in many stories, college students were known about their efficiency and kinda thrifty about financial condition. But even college students didn’t really care about Tsel poin, how about people that has a settled financial condition? I think most of them didn’t conscious AT ALL about this. And u know that Tsel has many members with good financial condition. This is because Tsel is the first cellular provider in Indonesia (CMIIW). And the first ones who used the cellphone were only people from middle-up class (u know that cellphones were really expensive that day). Even our recent mister president using KartuHalo (remember 0811 11 9949?).. and if u work in remote area (freeport may be?), using Tsel is almost compulsory. For them, that amount of Poin means nothing. But me, it’s mean everything!!! (engga laah.. gila aja.. :p)

Okay, may be Tsel had been advertising in TV, newspapers, and others media. But I think many people just saw it but just let it passin by. How many people have big expectation about ‘undian’ thing? This is because the ‘undian’ was the main point at every advertisement about Tsel poin, and there’s a little info about free sms or free usage.

I think Tsel has been takin advantages from this situation (although not significant). So, Telkomsel Users, what are you waiting? Use your point, RIGHT NOW!!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i know that :D wooo

About me

  • M.Rabindra Surya aka Arya aka Rabz
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  • CSUI
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