Saturday, September 01, 2007

For Knowledge or Grades?

Classic question and has many different answers that may be can called easy easy difficult (baca: gampang2 susah.. hoho). This question often come into my mind in the beginning of a semester. When I want to choose a subject, I consider several things beside academic rule constraints: 'do I have an interest in the subject?', 'is the lecturer good on teaching?' (do I like the way of he/she teaching?), 'will I use the knowledge when I work in the future?', and so on..

Some people say that we can get knowledge anywhere, anytime, even at the most unlikely condition. Say that we can get knowledge from internet of course. Internet is such a tremendous library, and we can get many many knowledge from it. We may get knowledge from library near from our home. We may get knowledge from our relative, from our friends, from our grandpa maybe, if he is expert in something.. We may improve our knowledge in our home, our car, public place, or even in jail. So, there's no boundary to improve the knowledge. Even a people who don't get a formal education in one specific area, can be more knowledgeable than the others who take the formal one.

And then, where we can get grades? yeah, I know what the grades are for. One of them is of course for makes us easy to get an appropriate job. But, the problem is only formal institution which has right to give us grades. We can not get grades from our relatives, from our friends, family, etc. Grades just come from specific place/institution. Then, one of the main reason for us to learn at campus it to get the grades, so we can get the job that we want and earn some money..

Oukey, may be there's some idealist, who study to get the knowledge and then doing some research for the sake of the science development itself, and may be discover some new theorem.. But I think most of students don't have that reason.. Most of students study to get a job after they graduate. Of course, we can't say grades and knowledge is two things that lies in different side. More knowledge a person has, better grades he/she will get, usually.. but that thing not always happen. Sometimes a person that many people refer him/her as an expert, get a not so good mark in the subject.

hmm, but after I did a deeper thinking, now I think that a person who has the knowledge but a not-so-good grades, still have a probability to get a job that he/she dreamed of. But may be it's harder. May be he/she must active in a specific community, and help people with his/her skill, so people really sure that he/she is eligible to get a position. May be he/she must have a tight relation with a 'strong person' that can give recommendation to get a high value job. But still, many company has a regulation to use the grades as a pre-selection for registrar.

Intinya, one thing that we can only obtain from campus is grades.. Well, may be we can get a deeper knowledge from the experts who work at campus. But still, there's a probability to get the knowledge from experts outside formal institution. So, whether we get the knowledge or not, the most important thing is we get a good grades... hahahaha.... duh, postingan ini ngarang banget sih.... udah ah, lagi ngawur.. jangan diperhatiin.. lagipula khan katanya dosa kalo mencari ilmu tapi sebenernya ga pengen dapet ilmunya (ngerti ga maksudnya?)

Jadi ngebayangin seandainya ada reality show yang judulnya 'for knowledge or grades', yang merupakan copycat dari reality show yang berjudul 'for love or money'. Tapi di reality show gadungan ini, ceritanya ada seorang profesor yang sudah lanjut usia, ingin meneruskan ilmu yang dimilikinya kepada penerus2nya yang masih muda. Terus, profesor itu mengadakan seleksi, dan hanya ada 1 orang saja yang akan mendapatkan ilmu dari profesor tersebut.

Dikumpulkan sekumpulan mahasiswa sangat pintar untuk ikut kontes. Nah, pada saat yang sama, mahasiswa itu juga ditawari uang 1 juta dollar jika berhasil menjadi kontestan terakhir yang tersisa..

Yah pokoknya gitu deh.. males nulis panjang2.. yang bikin gw salut dengan penulis adalah mereka telaten menyelesaikan tulisan mereka. gw baru satu paragraf aja udah suka males menyelesaikan -_-"..

Nah, gimana rasanya kalo ternyata si orang yg dipilih profesor untuk menjadi the last-one-standing ternyata malah pilih duit.. khan pasti ada rasa menyesal dari si profesor.. hehe.. mungkin itu kali yang dirasain para dosen2 kita. tapi mungkin juga engga, sapatau yang diharapkannya adalah agar mahasiswanya hidup bahagia sesuai dengan impiannya masing-masing.. but well, saya rasa perasaan itu ada jg. terutama untuk profesor yang idealis yang ingin punya mahasiswa untuk meneruskan ilmu demi perkembangan pengetahuan...

the end.. capek ngalor ngidulnya.. hehe..

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About me

  • M.Rabindra Surya aka Arya aka Rabz
  • Male
  • CSUI
  • Twenty
  • Maaf kalo ada postingan dengan bahasa Inggris kacaubalau. Lagi belajar ^^"