Wednesday, August 16, 2006


ya ya ya, postingan ini memang tidak jelas.. walau biasanya pun saya posting dengan banyak topik, tapi masing2 topik diberi jatah yang lumayan .. postingan saya kali ini rasanya akan berpindah-pindah topik dengan sangat cepat.. Mudah2an... *iya, iya.. saya tau kok kalo saya suka bertele-tele dalam menulis.. jadi rada sulit utk menulis pendek2*

beginilah kalo ga ada kerjaan di rumah.. siang ini, mataharinya lagi gahar.. atau awannya yg lagi malu2 ya? jadi kerasa panaaas banget.. FYI, kamar saya itu langsung kena sinar matahari kalo siang.. Di siang yg terik seperti ini, bakal terasa panas banget sampai-sampai saya mengurungkan niat saya untuk memakai my own computer di kamar.. jadinya gini deh, ga jelas di kamar nyokap, hehe..

--------- Lumpur
Knapa gw sering diajak pergi pada saat2 yg ga tepat? Seperti November nnt, diajak ke KL.. Mana mungkin? Iya, mana mungkin.. Khan udah mau UAS..
Jadi inget akan lelucon di suatu surat kabar:
Walau Malaysia punya slogan Malaysia, Truly Asia.. Tapi setidaknya kita punya Truly Kuala Lumpur, yaitu Sidoarjo.. :P

Aduh, sedih rasanya melihatnya.. mungkinkah akan ada kota yg hilang? dan mungkinkah ada 'Man from Sidoarjo' sebagai penggantinya 'Man from Atlantis'?..

Pemimpin yang buruk, mementingkan dirinya sendiri. dan kalau ada orang yang dipimpinnya merasa dirugikan, ia berkata, "salah sendiri. knapa kamu tidak jadi pemimpin saja?".. heh..

Pemimpin yang baik mungkin telah melakukan semua yang bisa dilakukannya dengan maksimal. tidur sejam sehari, keluarga mjd kurang diperhatikan, kesehatan tidak terjaga. tp yang dipimpinnya tidak mau mengerti, dan mengatakan, "salah sendiri knapa mau jadi pemimpin?".. Dan jadi pemimpin itu memang haruslah ikhlas karena-Nya semata. kalau tidak, apalagi yang bisa membuat bertahan?

Menurutku, orang yang melayani tidak sama dengan pelayan.. Emang sih, secara harfiah, pelayan artinya orang yang melayani.. Tapi menurutku, hal tersebut bukanlah biimplikasi, tapi cuma implikasi.. *Iye iye.. maaf pake istilah implikasi.. tapi saat ini yang ada di kpala ini ya istilah itu*. Seperti saat ke rumah orang, kita dilayani oleh tuan rumah.. tapi tuan rumah itu bukan pelayan kita khan??

Quote of the day
Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in a world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.

Yah, walau ada hal yang menurut gw sih emang tidak mungkin dilakukan sih..
I haven’t filled the IRS on siak eng.. *Yay, I forget the –kepanjangan- from IRS? Isian something Semester…* I confused what subject that I want to take beside Anum and PPL.. Others told me that they want to take PPSI and Manpro, hence likely so do I. SI? I don’t know, should I take it on this semester or on next semester? Oya, I have tried to register on French class, but not sure whether I’ll take it or not. I’ll see..

Do you know a song with title 'damn if you do and damn if you don’t'?? *hehe, lagi suka quote ini..*
Here it is:
Mau yang ini salah, mau yang itu salah. Harus bagaimana?
Pilih yang ini salah, pilih yang itu salah. Mau pilih mana?
Kalau yang ini singkong digoreng, kalau yang itu ubi direbus.
Dua-duanya kesukaanku. Mau ini, mau itu, bingung sendiri..

Apa sih, apa dong?
Apa sih, apa dong?
Apa sih, apa dong?
Pilih ubi atau singkong?
Wahahaha.. This song often happened in my daily life when I’m confused about something. Yeah, better if I confused about things that I like both, but it could be so annoying if I hate both of them.. Of course, it’s not just about ubi and singkong..

Btw, kasian ya anak Indonesia zaman sekarang. There’re no chidren singers out there.. And they don’t know 'apa sih apa dong' song.. :P

Indonesian Idol..

Dirly or Ihsan?
I don’t know. Not both of them. Ihsan has a bass voice that kinda’ unique *but not that unique though*. Dirly has been showing so much progress since I first saw him. Ya ya, but both of them haven’t been wowing me. Dirly has improved so much. But still, not awesome enough.

On first II, I chose Joy. Yups, it was not a hard decision to choose her.. On second II, err. It was hard because Judika and Mike were just great.. On third II, yeah, it also hard to choose, but for a different reason.

Oh oh oh.. Look at the TV. There’re Lucky, Michael, Delon, Mike, and Judika.. Woo hooo.. Oh my.. They sing ‘When you wish upon a star’!!! My current fave song.. Aaah.. Superb!!! Any of those five could beat these two grand finalists with hands down.. *sigh*

And the winner is Ihsan!!! *mba2 berteriak kegirangan di lantai bawah.*

Yay, many people want to become famous nowadays. In a music video, there’s a conversation about that which is I think quite funny..
J: I want to be so famous that everytime I get a new boyfriend Oprah does a special on it.
A: I want to be so famous that even my ex-boyfriends become famous.
M: I want to be so famous that I have have my babies in Africa.
E: I want to be so famous that I'm the most downloaded person on the internet.
J: I want to be more famous than the internet.


My Trip

I cancelled my plan to have a trip to east java. My mom asked over me if I want to join her. But after deep thinking about it *ce ilaaah :P*, I give it up. It is a business trip and my mom will meet her colleagues and what so ever.. I know may be there’ll be some good things here and there then I can take lessons from that. But, there’re some other reason keeping me on my decision.. *tentunya bukan karena gw pengen ke kampus ya..*
Wishlist: a small laptop that I can easily bring everywhere..


Baru liat di tentang Times Asia yang bertopik Lost Lives..
dan pas liat fotonya, hah.. antara kaget dan tidak kaget sih.. yang pasti miris ngeliatnya..


This morning, when we went to my dad’s cemetery, we met a woman. My mom had a lil bit chit chat with her. Not so long after, when we were in the car, I asked my mom, “who’s the woman?”. And my mom told me that she is the wife of a lawyer, very famous lawyer. The lawyer is widely known as an actor, too. Yeah, you know lah. The answer made me a little bit surprise. Why? Because she’s so humble and definitely not showing any sign of glamour. We all know that her husband always rides the ultra-expensive and newest car on the road. But she’s faaaar from that. I thought that his wife always using diamonds here and there to everywhere riding the finest car, etc. *gw kebanyakan nonton sinetron kali yaa*. The truth showed me that I am false. Salute for her..


I only just know that one of my not-so-near families had worked on Aceh. She worked on a british company which has a project in Aceh to rebuild and reconstruct that province after enormous earthquake and tsunami two years ago.

She worked as a planner and designer, to make a new –perumahan- for civilian whose houses demolished. She told us that the new houses will be build using number one material, number one paint, and number one in everything. With very very well design that outdo every single aspect in – teknik sipil – discipline.

But still, is not that easy to rebuild houses that even the bound with each other has gone.
To identify one house boundaries, we must find the neighborhoods of the home owner, satu untuk batas depan, satu untuk kanan, satu untuk kiri, dan satu untuk belakang. And of course, after that disaster, it’s hard to find all neighborhoods.

And one that makes it even harder, the constructor must fulfill every person wants. Yeah, one by one!!! Imagine it!! May be a person want to have a white roof with beige colored wall and so on. Another person of course has a different specification. Even there’s a person who want green leaf colored outer wall and dark yellow inner wall. What??? Of course, for extremely request like that, constructor can’t accomplish it. Even many of the people have a very very detail request, such as an elevation degree between roof and wall, and the degree of curve of a nail..

The constructor has been holding a regularly meeting with the community. And the discussion often went so long and –terjadi debat kusir –. Hence, the discussion becomes a nightmare for the constructor. But still, there’s one prohibited words for the constructor: “take it or leave it”.

It’s so hard to rebuild and reconstruct the houses. I merely understand why it took so long.

I hate driving

Mengapa ya orang2 senang mengendarai kendaraan?
Khususnya di Jakarta ini
Macet di mana-mana, bahkan sampai malam
Kalo siang, panas ga ketulungan
Musim hujan, harus menghadapi banjir
Banyak kendaraan lain yang jalan ga liat-liat
Angkutan umum berenti sembarangan
Pejalan kaki jalan di tengah serasa punya sembilan nyawa
Oknum polisi yang suka iseng menilang
Dikit2 jalan bolong, jadi mesti hati-hati
Kendaraan di blakang kerjaannya kloksan klakson mulu

Saya tidak suka menyetir, setidaknya untuk saat ini..


Pengen ganti layout.. rasanya banyak banget layout yang sama kayak gini.. sempet ga ya?


next: my longest post evahhh!! ---yg namanya eva ga usah nengok..
*padahal yg biasanya aja udah panjang ya? hohoho..*


saat ditanya kiat untuk pinter bahasa inggris, seorang temenku yg jago bhs inggris berkata: "banyak menulis, banyak membaca, banyak bicara dengan bahasa inggris.. gw aja kl telpon sama temen, ngomong bahasa inggris, apalagi utk hal2 yg bersifat pribadi. lagian sapa sih yg ga males nguping omongan yang pake bahasa inggris?"

hmm, bener juga ya..


tak lupa mengucapkan dirgahayu RI ke-61!!!!

postingan kali ini ga jelas banget ya? biarlah.. blog gw ini.. :P


Anonymous said...

ahahahahaha...gpp bro. kadang2 pikiran kita emang suka random. nah siapa tahu dari pikiran yg random itu, muncul hal2 bagus. perlu tuh ditulis di blog biar ga lupa :P:P.

btw, movie Step Up dah rilis belum sih di sana??

Anonymous said...


Step Up?? Umm, kayaknya sih blm.. di 21cineplex juga ga ada tuh. tampak2nya sih bakal lama kluarnya.. katanya OST nya keren y? jadi pengen liat..

Anonymous said...

udah punya ost nya!!! emang keren banget sih!

Recommended :
1. Sean Paul - (When You Gonna) Give It Up To Me
2. Ciara - Get Up

udah liat juga trailer nya. wuih, must watch movie deh!!

*histeris mode : ON*

About me

  • M.Rabindra Surya aka Arya aka Rabz
  • Male
  • CSUI
  • Twenty
  • Maaf kalo ada postingan dengan bahasa Inggris kacaubalau. Lagi belajar ^^"